
How To Create WOW Moments For CX Success (Try This Easy Technique) by Stacy Sherman

Over the years, I’ve been speaking and writing about the importance of experiences and Wow Moments to drive happy customers and engaged employees. I am a believer in what Maya Angelou says, “People may not recall WHAT you did or the words you said, but they remember HOW YOU MADE THEM FEEL!” Wow Moments create positive emotions that fuel trust, loyalty, and referrals.

A Perfect Example

A while ago, I learned about Shep Hyken and became an instant fan. I love his videos, articles, books and especially his creative comics. I decided to contact Shep recently in hopes to talk about customer experience, workplace culture, employee satisfaction, and other mutually favorite topics. Not only was Shep receptive to my email message but even better, he offered to interview me for his show. I was so happy considering Shep is “famous” in my eyes.

Fast forward in time, we recorded the episode and everything went better than I anticipated considering our conversation was a 100% improv. Neither one of us had a loss for words. I guess that’s what happens when you put two CX passionate people together. The topics are endless and no rehearsal time is needed. While talking to Shep was very memorable, that’s not the key takeaway from my story.

My Wow Moment

A day after our recording, I received an email from Shep which included a video. I immediately thought he was sending me a generic message that other guests receive, but I was wrong. As you can hear below, he created an authentic personal thank you message that still keeps me smiling. I was a Shep advocate before our episode, but now I’m even more so.

Watch VIDEO HERE. https://youtu.be/Qd3rXjBCQP0

Thank you Shep Hyken for ending my 2019 on a high note. I look forward to our episode launching in early 2020.

CX Lessons and Reminders

  1. Send video messages to show appreciation. It must be personalized.
  2. “Surprise and delight” drives referrals and recommendations.
  3. Small gestures can be valuable. Wow Moments are unrelated to price.
  4. Be authentic. Customers know when you’re “checking a box.”
  5. Connect with people, even if you think they’re unapproachable. You’ll be surprised.

Continue Reading at DoingCXRight.com and learn how Shep created his personal video to me.

What Were Your Wow Moments in 2019? Let’s connect. Share stories on my Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

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*All opinions expressed are Stacys & do not reflect views or imply endorsement of employers and other organizations.



Stacy Sherman ‬~ Doing CX Right®‬

Award-winning corporate executive, speaker, author, podcaster about Doing Customer Experience (CX) Right as a brand differentiator via Heart & Science™ approach